website for the Appin community

Community Defibrillators update

Community Defibrillators update

The Community Coop has installed a further publicly accessible unit outside the shop.

First published 
Sep 20, 2019
First published 
Nov 21, 2019

Community Defibrillators

As part of the Community Councils ongoing community resilience program, thank you to the Community Coop which has installed a further publicly accessible unit outside the shop. This means that Appin now has 4 publicly available defibrillators across the community.

The search is still going on for funding to install 2 further units to ensure all residents are within a reasonable emergency response time from a unit.

Publicly available defibrillators are available at:

Port Appin Coop

Linnhe Marine

Appin Hall

Tom-a-Ghiuthais Fasnacloich

Can you help with either funding, or supervision of a units to serve the settlements around Creagan and North Shian? If so please contact Bob Cornish.